Can I tell you a secret?
I possess the ability to travel to other worlds. I have travelled to lands with sorcerers, witches, and dragons; alien planets with technology beyond my wildest dreams; and to far-flung towns in this world. Along the way, I’ve made new friends who taught me about love, loyalty, friendship, betrayal, conflict, and everything in between - and I did it all with the flick of a page and the turn of a hand: through the pages of books filled with powerful stories.
And you can do it too.
Each time I delve into a new story, I become Digory Kirke from C.S. Lewis's The Magician's Nephew, who discovered a "Wood between the Worlds" filled with pool upon pool, each leading to a separate universe. Except in my case, instead of the trees in a wood, I had the pages of a book; and instead of pools, I had the worlds created through the words within them. When I was a child, whenever things around me felt like too much to handle, it was my favourite way to escape. As I grew older, it became more than just a refuge: it was where I'd travel to when I needed to be inspired, or when I craved new ways of making sense of the world around me, or my ever-changing self - and it still is to this day.
I think that's why I became a writer.
I love stories that encourage us to ponder: "What if...?"
When I began writing my first novel, I promised myself that I would do my very best to write books that would be worthy of enrapturing my younger self, and anyone else who is gracious enough to read them - and that promise still stands true today.

"Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."
― E.L. Doctorow
I am extremely proud to have been named an award-winner for my debut novel - a Young Adult Speculative Fiction story with elements of soft Science Fiction. The award involved a place in the ELF Seddiqi First Chapter Fellowship, the first-ever global standard writers' fellowship in the Middle East for aspiring locally-based fiction writers, run by the Emirates Literature Foundation.
The year-long programme included one-to-one mentorship from internationally acclaimed authors, and I am very grateful to have had the best-selling novelist and screenwriter Patrick Gale as my mentor. It also included workshops with industry experts and renowned authors including Ian Rankin, Alexander McCall Smith, Nnedi Okorafor, Greg Mosse, and Annabel Kantaria.
The manuscript is complete at approximately 100,000 words, and I am currently seeking agent representation. If you are interested in learning more, please get in touch via the Contact page.
I am currently working on my second novel - a Young Adult Fantasy - that takes place on a fictional mythopoeic island in East Asia. ​
I am extremely proud that the first 2,000 words of this novel won first place in the prestigious Emirates Literature Festival Writing Prize in 2023.
In 2024, my short story "Wish You Were Here" was selected as a Top 10 Finalist in the Dubai Future Foundation's inaugural Echoes of Tomorrow Sci-Fi Short Story competition. You can read it here.